Thursday, April 8, 2010

It's been awhile

I have been wanting to write about so many things, and as I sit and actually have the time to write, nothing is coming to mind.

Easter was good! The only bad part was that Andrew and I both had a stomach bug before Easter. Thankfully, that left the house quickly, and didn't affect Sarah! Very glad about that!
It was a great weekend though. Lots of time with family, which I love. And, of course, an amazing Easter sermon at church. Thank you Jesus for what you did for me!

Sarah is doing great. She finally got her first 2 teeth in, so I am hoping that she will start to sleep a little better, and eat better too! Of course, I say that I want her to sleep better, and here it is- 7:30, and she has already been asleep for 2 hours. That is going to make for a LONG night! Poor girl didn't get an afternoon nap, so she just crashed after dinner!

Well, I can't think of anything else. Hopefully, I will get to this more often! :)

Friday, February 19, 2010

Always learning

This week has been a long week. It all started last Friday when I talked to my mom, and got some bad news about family friends. I don't really want to get into the story, but there were just a lot of bad things going on. I continue to pray for this family, and everything they are going through. Then, about 1o:30 that night, Andrew got a text message that one of the youth we had in Muskogee has passed away last Wednesday. That was heart breaking. As hard as it was, I had a sense of peace knowing that he is now with Jesus. We were able to go celebrate his life this past Monday in Muskogee, and I am glad we were able to make it.
As for the rest of the week, it wasn't that bad, just tiring! Sarah is doing well, I like to call her high maintenence though! :) We found out about 2 weeks ago that she has tracheomalacia. Its really just a fancy word for noisy breathing. The cartilage rings in her trachea are floppy, and not hard. It will correct itself by about 12 months, but for now, its frustrating for her and me. She can't breathe very well, which affects the way she eats, which affects the way she sleeps. Or should I say, doesn't sleep. Its hard, because she doesn't sleep through the night, and when she does wake up at night, she's up for an hour or longer. Its killing me. I just want to have a full nights sleep!! I just have to keep reminding myself that God will give me stregth, patience, rest, and everything else I need!
He truly has taught me a lot this week. More than I could even write down. He taught me that life is short, and only He knows how long we will be here. He taught me that no matter how good of a person, or a Christian you are, there are still people out there that don't know Him, and do bad things. He has given me more peace and strength to handle things that I would not be able to do on my own. He has shown me how to love, even though I am tired and frustrated.
I am so thankful for a God that is always there for me, and willing to be patient with Him, as I (slowly sometimes) learn. I love you Lord.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

The power of prayer

I am laying here in bed, trying to go to sleep, and I just keep having prayer requests pop into my head. So, I am laying here praying about all sorts of things. I'm pretty sure God understands that I am a little ADD, and my prayers are more of a popcorn type of prayer! My mind just goes from one request to another. I keep telling myself that I need to journal my prayers so that I won't be so ADD, but I tend to only think about that at night, and by the next morning, I forget!

While I was praying for Sarah, the first week of her being here popped into my head. I was thinking about how much I prayed for her that week, and how so many people were also praying for her. I was remembering my facebook updates, and how many people would comment that they were praying for her. The one thing I thought of was, I wonder if she will ever know how many people prayed for her during her hospital stay. I hope that one day, I will be able to share with her how powerful prayer is, and that she will understand that prayer is what got her out of the hospital so quickly. I know that prayer is what helped her get so well so fast. The day we left the hospital, I remember a nurse saying that she could not believe they were letting a 35 week old baby go home already. She obviously didn't know how strong my little 35 weeker was!

I thank God everyday for such an amazing daughter. I often wonder if things would have been different if she had been born "on time." I quickly changed the way I thought, because she was born on time. She was born on God's time, and thats all that matters. People will ask me what her due date was supposed to be, and I always think, it was supposed to be August 24th. Just because the doctor told me it was supposed to be October 6th doesn't make that her due date. The Creator of this Universe wanted her to be born on August 24th, so thats her due date to me.

Thank you Lord Jesus for my beautiful daughter. Thank you for her being healthy, and having no problems like they said she might have. Thank you that instead of her catching up by 12-15 months, she has already caught up by 4 months. Thank you for showing me how powerful praying can be. Lord, I pray that I will never stop thanking you for the blessing of Sarah. Help me to raise her up right, and help her to know You. I love you Lord.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My first post

I don't really know what I want to write about to get this started, so I will write about one of my favorite daughter!

Sarah has completely changed my life. She decided to come into this world a little early, but things have been so great. You would never know that she was a preemie. By four months, she has already caught up in size and in what she "should" be doing! I really think they had my due date wrong...she still would have been early, but not so early!

I really have enjoyed being able to be with her everyday. I did go back to work this month, but I have the priviledge to take her with me. I now work at Southern Hills Baptist preschool on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I love it. I get to play with babies all day long...its great!

God has truly blessed Andrew and I with Sarah. I cannot believe that I get to raise this beautiful child to know the Lord, and I pray everyday that I do it well! I am so ready to see her grow up...well, maybe not so much....I really love this baby stage! :)

Sarah Amanda McGuire
Born 8-24-09 5 lbs 8 ozs 19 in

Taken 8-27-09 after all the tubes came out!

Taken 1-05-09 at school